Our Full-Day school hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Our Part-Day/AM classes begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at noon. Our Part-Day/PM classes begin at noon and end at 3:00 p.m.
Early Drop-Off and Extended Day Programs are available for those families needing that extra care! Busy families “on the go” can use our EASY Drop-Off Line where our staff will meet your vehicle outside our entrance and escort your child to class!
Early Drop Off:
Starting at 7:30 a.m., this program is for Full-Day students and Part-Day/AM students who need to arrive before 8:50 a.m. Offering flexibility, the Early Drop Off Program is available to families who need to be at school early on one or more days of the week. PLEASE NOTE: Both Full-Day and Part-Day/AM students who wish to participate need to enroll to ensure accurate student count and staff availability.
Extended Day:
Starting at 3:00 p.m., this program is for Full-Day students and Part-Day/PM students who need to stay at school past 3:00 p.m. The Extended Day Program offers support to families who need longer services in the afternoon. The program is flexible and you may enroll in one or more days of the week. PLEASE NOTE: Both Full-Day and Part-Day/PM students who wish to participate need to enroll to ensure accurate student count and staff availability.
Hot Lunch:
At only $7.00 our hot lunch meals are prepared fresh daily and include a healthy lunch and morning/afternoon snacks. Ordering is super easy – you can find the sign-up sheet at the check-in kiosk.You can choose to pay cash or to use the card on file.

Enrichment Programs:
Enrichment programs are an integral part of our school. Toddlers through PreK-4 attend S.T.E.A.M.M. multiple times a week. By engaging your children in a wide variety of fun, yet challenging activities we will open their minds to the wondrous topics of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math and Music that support both educational and physical growth!
Movers & Shakers:
Our littlest ones grow pretty quickly and so we began a classroom in our Daycare section to allow for those whop ‘graduate’ earlier than expected from Itty Bitty Care! Once they start to move more actively, we have a spacial place for them called Movers & Shakers!