We are proud to announce that Saint Miriam School has been selected as a charity partner for Albertson’s ACME and will receive grant donations from its annual Nourishing Neighbors Campaign aimed at helping ensure every child has access to a healthy breakfast. Every child enrolled at Saint Miriam for the entire 2023 year (including Summer Camp) will receive a healthy, nutritious breakfast every single day! Albertson’s Foundation, is working to eradicate childhood hunger in America. With as many as one in four children in America at risk of hunger, the funds raised in September will be dedicated to local efforts that ensure every child has access to a healthy breakfast. “Breakfast is essential school supply for kids to learn, grow, and thrive,” said Brother Sean, School Director. “We’re grateful to support the important work of community partners like ACME. Together we are making our neighborhoods better places for our children to grow up.” We are excited about this next grant received and look forward to bringing more opportunities to enhance our already wonderful learning programs and school environment!
Dear Parents, Staff, Board & Volunteers,
As promised, Saint Miriam received a grant from Nourishing Neighbors grant from ACME Foundation’s Nourishing Neighbors September fundraising campaign for $3,000! During the month of September, customers were asked to donate at the register to help provide healthy breakfasts for children. The grant is a result of these generous donations. Saint Miriam will use this grant to benefit the food nutrition program at Saint Miriam! We are grateful to Monsignor Jim for completing the grant application!
Nourishing Neighbors is a charitable program of ACME Foundation. The program aims to eradicate childhood hunger in America by keeping food banks stocked and supporting meal distribution programs at schools. In 2020, Nourishing Neighbors enabled 350 million meals, invested $10.4 million in schools to feed children, and provided $9 million towards empowering black, Indigenous and people of color communities through hunger programs.
We are ALSO very excited to share that Saint Miriam ALSO has been selected to benefit from the ACME GIVE BACK Bag Program, which makes it easy for customers to contribute to their local communities!!
For the entire month of December, whenever a $3.00 GIVE BACK Bag is purchased at the ACME located at Acme Market located at 1640 Bethlehem Pike, Flourtown, PA $1 will be donated to Saint Miriam!! This is a great way to broaden awareness and help our cause!
Let’s get started! Share the news with friends and family. Call, send emails and post on social media. The more people who purchase the GIVE BACK Bag in December the more we can raise!
To learn more about this program, please visit http://acme.2givelocal.com/
Brother Sean, Leigh, and Team!